Scott Burns
2014-06-25 01:58:18 UTC
HW: HP DL380/G6
OS: NetBSD/amd64 - 6.1.4
We are looking to hang a Fibre Channel disk expansion off the above
My question is regarding OEM branded versions and the isp(4) driver.
The man page reports as supported:
Qlogic 2500
Qlogic 2500 8-Gigabit Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.
If anyone running either of the above two Hewlett Packard branded versions
with the isp(4) driver or should I stay with the generic QLogic QLE2562?
Looking through the driver code I see references to the QLE2532 board but
not the
Thank you
OS: NetBSD/amd64 - 6.1.4
We are looking to hang a Fibre Channel disk expansion off the above
From my reading of mailing list history etc. it would seem the QLogic driver
appears mature and would probably be our best platform for thisconfiguration.
My question is regarding OEM branded versions and the isp(4) driver.
The man page reports as supported:
Qlogic 2500
Qlogic 2500 8-Gigabit Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.
From the QLogic site I see that HP 82Q (AJ764A) and HP AH401A are based on
the QLogic QLE2562 chipset.If anyone running either of the above two Hewlett Packard branded versions
with the isp(4) driver or should I stay with the generic QLogic QLE2562?
Looking through the driver code I see references to the QLE2532 board but
not the
Thank you